A Journey Back In Time A Trip Back In Time: What People Talked About Electric Fireplace Wall 20 Years Ago > 자유게시판

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작성자 Doris Hamb… 메일보내기 이름으로 검색 작성일24-02-20 09:18 조회5회 댓글0건


An Electric Fireplace Wall Can Be a Great Addition to Your Home

warmlite-wl45043-cambridge-fireplace-stoA wall-mounted electric fireplace can make your home feel more comfortable. They are simple to install and are available in a variety of sizes. They can also be hung in an existing wall or built into a brand new wall.

Before you begin the installation, you must read the instructions of the manufacturer carefully. They should include specific instructions regarding framing, wiring and the way to secure the unit.


Modern homes are usually adorned with a wall-mounted electric fire. It is easy to install and doesn't require structural changes to your home. It is also easy to connect to your home's electric network. There are a few things you should think about prior to installing a Fireplace in my Area on the wall. Make sure that the fire is located at a distance of 400mm from any combustible material. Make sure that the heater located at the bottom of your firebox isn't touching any fabrics or other items. This will help prevent accidental burns.

Another thing to consider before installing a wall-mounted electric fire is the kind of installation you'd like to have. Certain models are designed to be flush mounted, whereas others are built to be recessed into the wall. If you prefer a modern, clean look then the latter choice is the best choice for you. Once you've decided on the kind of installation you want you want to use, make sure you read the manual for more specific information about framing, fixing the unit, and wiring.

Once you've determined the area you'd like to place your fireplace take a measurement of the opening and mark it on the top and bottom plates of your walls. Utilize a spirit level gauge to make sure the studs are straight and there is enough space between them. If you are installing a fireplace that is recessed be sure to connect an electrical outlet to the finished wall in accordance with local codes. Then, you can put a piece or fascia to cover the outlet and plug.

The next step is to create the frame for the fireplace wall. Then, you need to align the studs and the fireplace frame in accordance with the layout marks on the top and bottom plates. Then, attach the frame to the wall with screws. Finally, put the fireplace in place and install a piece of decorative glass on top to complete the appearance.

Before you begin your electrical work, you should plug in your fireplace and test it to ensure everything functions correctly. If it does not, you can consult an electrician for assistance.


Regardless of whether you have a wall-mounted or freestanding electric fireplace, there are a number of precautions you need to take. It is crucial to ensure that your fireplace is installed properly and is not placed near anything flammable. It is also important to check your electric fireplace regularly for signs of wear and tear and schedule regular service.

First, you should go over the instructions for your particular fireplace carefully. This will give you an idea of the process to install. Generally, you will need to connect the firebox and screen to the wall bracket before you are able to use it. This could be a straightforward or challenging task based on the model that you choose. It is always possible to seek professional help if you are uncertain.

It is essential to ensure that the fireplace doesn't be too close to furniture or combustible objects. It should be kept at least four feet away from any combustible material. Additionally, you must ensure that the area is free of rugs, curtains and other flammable items. Install a childproof barrier to prevent children from touching the fireplace.

Another safety measure is to keep your electric fireplace away from anything that can catch fire, including clothing and paper products. You should also keep it out of the reach of pets and children. Ideally, it should be hung on the wall in a place that it is not easily knocked over.

Last but not least, you should never use extension cords to power your fireplace. They can cause overheating and could be hazardous for your family. Use the power cord that came along with your fireplace, or a high quality extension cord that's rated appropriately for your home wiring. Make sure you have a surge protector as well to protect your home from power surges. It is important to check regularly your electric fireplace for signs of wear. Do not use your electric fireplace as the primary source of heat or leaving it unattended.


A wall-hung electric fireplace can be a great addition to any room. It can provide visual appeal and warmth any room, and can also be a great way to conserve energy. It is crucial to choose the right model because there are many types of electric fire places on the market. To ensure you get the best one, consider some of the most crucial features.

When selecting an electric fire the color of the surround must be taken into consideration. It can be made out of wood, metal, or glass, and is finished in a variety of colors. It is important to choose one that is in harmony with the furniture that is in the room.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace should also be able to adjust the brightness. It is also crucial to check the heat settings. A higher setting will generate more heat, while the lower setting will produce more subtle flames.

Certain models also come with the option to turn the flame on without heating the room. This is a great option for families with pets or children of a small size. Another thing to look out for is the cool glass feature, which reduces the amount of heat transferred through the glass.

Electric fireplaces can be positioned in a variety of designs. Certain electric fireplaces can be mounted on the wall. Others are surface-mounted. The latter is an ideal choice for those who want to avoid the mess and expense of installing a traditional fireplace in their home.

Wall-mounted electric fire places are a low-cost and easy-to-install option for those who want to add a cozy atmosphere to their home. They are available in various sizes and styles, and you can have them with built-in speakers. You can place these fireplaces in your bedroom, den, or living room and enjoy their soothing ambiance.

The Scion Trinity is one of the most recent electric fireplaces. It has a unique, multi-sided design that gives it a more customized appearance than other models. Kuefler says that this design allows for more flexibility in finishing materials than fully or partially recessed electric fireplaces, which are required to be fixed to wall studs.


A wall-mounted electric fireplace can be a stunning feature for any home. The installation process can be costly. Take into consideration all costs associated with this kind of project. These include the cost of the fireplace as well as the installation and any ongoing operating costs. You should also consider the way you intend to use the fireplace in your home.

There are several types of electric wall fireplaces. Some are prefab units that can be erected by a contractor and don't require any complicated wiring. Others are more complicated and require framing into the wall. Some of those that are built-in require additional demolition work, drywall repairs, and electrical work. Built-in costs are higher than prefabricated ones.

Recessed designs are one of the most popular alternatives for wall-mounted electric fire places. These fireplaces can be built on a wall and concealed behind a flat-screen TV. They have front vents to ensure that airflow is safe and can be used in rooms that are up to 400 square feet. Some models come with decorative surrounds to enhance the overall appearance of the fireplace.

A fireplace with a large frame but a narrow, long shape is another option for a fireplace that can be hung on the wall. This style is ideal for a corner or over the sofa or cabinet. It could also be used under a TV that is mounted on a wall. It comes in a variety of frame finishes, from modern black to sleek stainless steel and can be coordinated with the wall color or contrasted against it. This is a plug in unit that does not require any hardwiring.

Some wall-mounted electric fireplaces have additional features, like timers and remotes. They can also emit a crackling sound or simulated smoke, and some have an adjustable flame brightness. These extras can lead to an increase in the cost of the product, so be sure to add these costs to your budget when comparing prices.

There are a variety of other elements that affect the final price of an electric fireplace wall. The size of the unit and the amount of heat will affect the price. The smallest units cost less than $500, whereas the more complex, larger units could cost upwards of $2000.everleigh-electric-110cm-43-fireplace-su


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