10 Tell-Tale Warning Signs You Should Know To Find A New Ghost Immobiliser Fitting Near Me > 자유게시판

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10 Tell-Tale Warning Signs You Should Know To Find A New Ghost Immobil…

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작성자 Charles 메일보내기 이름으로 검색 작성일24-02-21 14:13 조회16회 댓글0건


Keep Your Vehicle Safe With Ghost Immobilisers

Theft is a constant concern for those who have invested an enormous amount of time and money on their vehicles. There is a solution you can afford to protect your vehicle from thieves.

Ghost immobilisers stop your vehicle from being driven if you don't enter a unique security code. They operate quietly and without causing any damage. They are incredibly low-maintenance and can be fitted by our team of trained experts.


Ghost immobilisers are an excellent method to add an additional layer of security for your vehicle. These devices stop your car from starting until you enter the PIN code. They are also able to stop your car from being hacked or copied. This means that thieves cannot copy or duplicate your keys, or employ a key programmer to disable the immobiliser.

A stealth ghost immobiliser is easy to install and does not require any wiring. It is directly connected to CAN (Controller Area Network), which is the vehicle's data circuit. It can be mounted anywhere in your car, including the dashboard or centre console door panels. It's also reversible, so you can take it along when you change vehicles.

The system isn't visible to a thief. It won't be detected if you remove it and put it in another vehicle. This is different from physical deterrents such as wheel locks, which can be jumped or cut. The device is also hidden in the dashboard, making the device difficult to spot by thieves.

To start your vehicle You must enter the PIN code you have customized into the Ghost app, then press buttons on the steering wheel and control panel. You can alter the PIN at any time. The system can be switched to service mode to allow valet use that allows your vehicle to start based on speed and time. The system will exit service mode based on time and speed or if a PIN code is entered.

Ghost immobilisers, unlike key cloning or hacking, are a safe, reliable and affordable way to secure your vehicle. They connect to the CAN Bus of your vehicle's Engine Control Unit, preventing thieves from gaining access to immobilisers by using the use of a new ECU or key.

This technology is not only more effective than other methods of theft prevention and prevention, but it also has the added benefit of preserving the value of your car for resales. This can be especially helpful for high-end cars that are at risk of being stolen.


Ghost immobilisers are discrete system that can be hidden beneath your vehicle without the requirement for additional fobs or LEDs. It connects to your vehicle's CAN data bus and creating an individual PIN code. The PIN will be required by a thief to open your car. This means that the device is unnoticeable to thieves, which may help to deter them from trying to steal your vehicle.

This discreet system is easy to install in your car and can be installed by one of our highly trained technicians. It can be installed without leaving any marks on the interior of your vehicle and is ideal for those who want to safeguard your prized possessions. It's also silent and doesn't emit radio frequencies, making it a safer alternative to an immobiliser that is factory-fitted.

The Autowatch Ghost is an aftermarket product that's TASSA approved and can be used to protect your vehicle from being stolen. This system uses a special software and connects to the data bus CAN in the engine control unit of your vehicle. It also communicates with your iPhone application, which will allow you to arm or disarm it. You can also track the location of your car by using it.

In contrast to other immobilisers, the Autowatch Ghost can't be hacked or cloned. This is because it connects to the CAN data bus within the engine control unit of your vehicle, making it extremely difficult to manipulate.

This technology is a fantastic way to safeguard your vehicle from theft, especially if you've invested in customising it. With car thefts at an all-time increase, it's vital to take steps to protect your vehicle and its contents. This is the reason why a lot of people choose to install an immobiliser that is ghost-proof installed in their vehicles, especially when they've invested a lot of money and time modifying it. With this technology, they can be sure that their vehicle is safe from thieves and can enjoy the vehicle without having to worry about being left with nothing but a wreck.


Ghost immobilisers are becoming an increasingly popular option in the auto industry since they can shield your vehicle from hacking, key cloning and signal jamming. They also shield your car from theft and damage, making them a great investment for anyone who wants to protect their vehicle. As they are among the most innovative and trusted products on the market, you should only hire a company that is licensed and certified. This will ensure that you get the best quality of service.

This technology is a discrete and silent device which communicates with your car through the data circuit referred to as CAN. The device functions like credit card, which requires an identification number before your vehicle can be started. This is a great deterrent for criminals since they won't spend much time trying to get around it. It's also weatherproof, therefore it can be used in any climate.

The Autowatch ghost immobiliser birmingham immobiliser is a CAN bus aftermarket immobiliser that protects your vehicle from hacking, key copying and even the theft of keys. It works by utilizing your factory buttons such as those on the steering wheel as well as the door panels and central consoles to let you create a unique and programmable disarm sequence (like an PIN code) that you must enter before you can drive your vehicle. It could take as long as 20 presses and is more secure than the PIN number on credit cards.

It can also be paired with an in-vehicle tracking device, which will allow you to locate your vehicle even if it has been stolen. It can even alert you to vibrations on or near your vehicle and damage to your vehicle and any attempts to start the engine. It can be controlled remotely through your mobile phone. This is an essential technology for any car enthusiast.

Installing a ghost-immobiliser by a professional with experience is the best way to secure your vehicle from theft. You can trust the experts at Car Specialist Customs to get the job done correctly. They have more than 20 years of experience in the field, and are experts in modifying vehicles both to improve safety and aesthetics. Their technicians will give you an extensive demonstration of the product and ensure that you know the process before they leave your home or work.

Easy to install

With car theft increasing A ghost immobiliser is one of the most effective ways to protect your vehicle. They are invisible to thieves due to the fact that they employ the most advanced technology to protect your vehicle from key hacking or cloning. They can detect vibrations from or near your vehicle and also contact with your vehicle, damage to your vehicle, or when someone is trying to start your engine, all of which will be communicated to you through an app on your smartphone.

They work silently and connect to your car's CAN bus data network, which stops thieves from replacing the ECU in your car with an unauthorised one. They also do not emit any radio signals, which means they cannot be detected by scanners for diagnostics or RF scans or code grabbing technology. There is also a service mode that you can activate if you need to give another person the right to drive your car, for example when getting your vehicle serviced, as well being a unique emergency pin code. You can alter your PIN anytime.

The ghost immobiliser is easy to install and will not leave permanent marks on your vehicle. It is easy to remove if you want to trade or sell it. The system can be transferred to a different vehicle in the event that you decide to purchase another.

You can use the buttons on your steering wheel, centre console or door panels to create an encrypted pin code that needs to be entered before you are able to drive your vehicle, making it difficult for thieves to steal your vehicle. The code can be changed or set at any time. If you forget your pin code, or if it has been compromised by hackers, it can easily be reset.

Be aware that this isn't an alternative for the car alarm. It can be used alongside other security features, such as an engine block guard, wheel locks, and a boot or door lock. Ghost immobilisers will not affect your insurance.310300814_438157535072560_44143179768643


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